The Authors with their respective works flanked by the predient’s of the RNSNZ and NSA
Not one but two numismatic publications were launched as part of the Decimal 50 Conference, which was held last weekend in Auckland. The Conference was jointly hosted between the Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand (RNSNZ) and the Numismatic Society of Auckland (NSA).

Robert Pepping’s most recent publication, New Zealand History Coined
Robert Pepping has followed up his highly successful 2010 book, New Zealand History Noted, which offered a comprehensive look at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand’s bank notes, with a new publication, New Zealand History Coined. This new work looks in depth at New Zealand’s pre-decimal coinage from its conception through to final production. The second book launched was Andrew Clifford’s extensive look at the paper issues of New Zealand’s Trading Banks and the country’s early paper currency.

Andrew Clifford’s New Zealand Trading Banks and Early Paper Currency